Would you like to get involved in organizing social events for postdocs? Do you have a creative idea that will lure your fellow postdocs out of their offices and labs?
In order to encourage informal networking among the postdoctoral community, The Duke University Postdoctoral Association (DUPA) and the Duke University Office of Postdoctoral Services will provide up to $150 (per event) to fund a limited number of “microparties” — small social events for postdocs.
The rules:
1. The organizer must be a Duke postdoc and the event must be open to Duke postdocs, although the number of participants may be limited.
2. Volunteers must attend at least 2 DUPA Council meetings before they can organize a microparty. For more information about the DUPA Council, contact Rebekah Fleming
3. Organizers must submit a short proposal, including a budget, to the DUPA Council for approval.
For more information, contact Jeff Blackinton with the form below.