Present your research at the 2018 Duke Women in Science and Engineering Symposium!

We would love to hear from grad students, postdocs, undergraduates, and other lab personnel about their research in any STEM or related field. If you’ve already prepared a poster for another meeting, or if you have another meeting coming up, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of your preparedness and get two presentations for the price of one! Plus, you can get feedback from a diverse scientific audience in a supportive and encouraging setting.

Our poster session and happy hour will be from 4-5 pm on Friday, April 27 in Field Auditorium, Environment Hall. Apply here! Please apply by Friday, April 20th.

Any questions about presentations can be directed to Cindy Darnell (

In addition to the research talks, the Symposium will address issues of STEM equity and access. To learn more about the day’s program, see our website and RSVP here.