2015 DUPA Elevator Pitch Competition

What: 2015 DUPA Elevator Pitch Competition

Where: 147 Jones, Research Drive

When: Friday September 18th, 3.30pm

Why: We know that Duke postdocs make important research findings, present at top conferences and publish high impact papers. But can you translate your research into a 90 second elevator pitch accessible to the general public? [See 2 minute thesis competition http://www.phdcomics.com/tv/2.minute.thesis.php]

DUPA and the Office of Postdoctoral Services are offering some great prizes to the top contestants. Additionally, the best presenters will have the opportunity to represent Duke during Postdoc Appreciation Week celebrations at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh alongside postdocs from the other Triangle-area institutions. Contact stefan.oehlers@duke.edu for addition information.

Please register at: http://goo.gl/forms/4i1rTd7YCO