Present your research at the 2018 Duke Women in Science and Engineering Symposium!

We would love to hear from grad students, postdocs, undergraduates, and other lab personnel about their research in any STEM or related field. If you’ve already prepared a poster for another meeting, or if you have another meeting coming up, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of your preparedness and get two presentations […]

Volunteer at Science Olympiad!

Interested in helping with Science Olympiad but couldn’t commit to being a coach?  You can sign up to help set up, clean up, or run an event the day of the competition! Science Olympiad is a STEM-based competition among middle and high school teams. It’s a great outreach opportunity with a small time commitment, and […]

Postdoc Practice Job Talk

WHAT: Postdoc Practice Job Talk: Xiaoli Dong, Ph.D., Nicholas School of the Environment WHEN: Tues Jan 16, 9:30-10:30 am WHERE: Bryan Research Auditorium, Rm 103 (location: ground-level floor of The Duke University Postdoc Association (DUPA) and the Office of Postdoctoral Services provide postdocs the opportunity to practice their job talks and get valuable feedback from a […]

Twelfth Annual Duke Postdoctoberfest

The Office of Postdoctoral Services and the Duke University Postdoctoral Association (DUPA) held the 12th Annual Postdoctoberfest Celebration on Friday, October 6, 2017, to honor the university’s hard-working postdocs and their mentors. Postdocs, their families, faculty, and staff enjoyed hot and veggie dogs with all the fixings, local Foothills Brewery beers, and the music of the Huzzah […]

Departmental Seminars

Department of Biology  Department of Biochemistry Department of Chemistry Department of Economy Department of Evolutionary Anthropology Department of Physics  Duke Global Heath Institute Duke Initiative for Science & Society — Periodic Tables Duke Initiative for Science & Society — S&S Dialogues Duke Institute for Brain Sciences Duke Molecular Physiology Institute Information Initiative at Duke (iiD) […]

Postdoc Practice Job Talk

Please see the information below regarding an upcoming practice job talk. Attendance and feedback at the talk would be greatly appreciated. We hope to see you there. WHAT: Postdoc Practice Job Talk: Tatyana Sysoeva, in the group of Lingchong You, Department of Biomedical Engineering WHEN: Tues Jan 31, 9-10 am (Tomorrow) WHERE: Rm 103 Bryan Research Bldg The […]

Fall Career Development Panel: Moving beyond #Distractinglysexy

During the summer, comments by Nobel laureate Tim Hunt sparked outrage among scientists all around the world. His comments, speaking about the impact of women in the workplace, were instantly met with a Twitter hashtag, #distractinglysexy, which cataloged pictures of female scientists working in their element. Our panel event will honestly discuss gender issues within […]