Duke postdocs bravely challenged the 105F heat for a trip to the Duke Lemur Center. Following a brief video, our knowledgeable tour guide then showed us many different lemur species the center accommodates and detailed the research the center does. Visiting the nocturnal lemurs may have been the highlight, both for the animals and the […]
June Networking Events
An overview of networking events in June: a Networking and Social Event with the Association of Women in Science, Triangle Biotech Tuesday, WIB RTP “Beakers and Beers” Networking Event and more:
New DUPA site
The DUPA site moved from clunky Joomla to smooth WordPress. Please send us comments and critiques via the comment box below — thanks!
Get involved with DUPA
There are many opportunities to get involved with the Duke University Postdoctoral Association. The DUPA board of committee chairs meets once a month, and any postdoc with an interest in DUPA is welcome to attend. More information on the role of each committee is available on the About Us page. If you are interested in serving on […]
Spring Fling 2012
Some photos of this year’s Spring Fling, our family friendly spring picnic with fajita bar, beer from local favorites Full Steam and Foothills Brewery and four flavors of delicious, local Maple View Farm ice cream. Organized by the Office of Postdoctoral Services and DUPA.
Monthly Postdoc Pub Night
Would you like to socialize with other Duke postdocs outside the hallowed halls? Then join DUPA for a Postdoc Pub Night at Fullsteam in Durham every fourth Thursday of the month; we have a small allotment of funds to buy (a limited number of) drinks!
Youtube channel for OPS
The Duke office for Postdoctoral Services has a Youtube channel! You can watch many of Duke’s professional development seminars and other useful videos there.
Postdoctorberfest 2011
Duke is proud of its postdocs! Join us for the sixth annual Postdoctoberfest, an appreciation event for Duke postdocs, their families, and the faculty and staff who support them. We will serve free hotdogs and veggie dogs with all the sides, beer from Durham favorite FullSteam Brewery, and delicious, local Maple View Farms ice cream. […]
DUPA Microparty at Durham Bulls
On Thursday, July 28 at 7 PM about 80 Duke postdocs (!) gathered to watch the Durham Bulls, our local minor league baseball team play against the Gwinnett Braves. DUPA sponsored the event; Jeff Blackinton took care of the organization.
Postdoc Survey
In December 2010 the Duke University Postdoctoral Association (DUPA) and the Duke Office of Postdoctoral Services (DOPS) conducted a survey among Duke postdocs. The survey collected demographic information, assessed the effectiveness of the Duke Postdoctoral Policy, postdoc job satisfaction, career goals and other factors. We’re happy to tell you the survey was very successful, thanks […]