Fall Career Development Panel: Moving beyond #Distractinglysexy

During the summer, comments by Nobel laureate Tim Hunt sparked outrage among scientists all around the world. His comments, speaking about the impact of women in the workplace, were instantly met with a Twitter hashtag, #distractinglysexy, which cataloged pictures of female scientists working in their element.

Our panel event will honestly discuss gender issues within the workplace and strives to provide productive advice for constructive dialogue and action. (Increasing Dialogue article)

Tuesday, October 20th from 6 to 7pm: Duke, Hudson Hall Room 125. Pizza provided.

Please register here. There is also an opportunity to insert a question to our panel via the registration page. Parking Directions here.

Panelists include:

Dr. Donna Bickford: Associate Director of the Office of Undergrad Research at UNC

Dr. Katherine Bruce: Assistant Professor at Salem College

Dr. Martha Reiskind: Research Assistant Professor at NC State

(original site: http://www.rhotaugwis.org/moving-beyond-distractinglysexy/)